Interiors For Children

Room To Bloom

It’s a strange phenomena, particularly in the UK, that having a beautifully designed home and having young children often seem to be mutually exclusive.  It’s so bloody British of us.  Our concept of interior design so often seems to abruptly stop at the threshold to our children’s rooms.  I totally agree that maintaining some minimalist shrine in the presence of a brace of sticky-pawed 2 year olds might be quite stressful but surely there’s got to be a middle ground.  A design aesthetic that appeals to adults and is functional for children – step in Ursula from Room To Bloom.

I spent a fantastic day with Ursula photographing just three of the amazing children’s bedroom she has designed for her clients.

If you’ve got young children or are about to have some in the near future but don’t want to surrender your interiors design aspirations then I stronger recommend you get in touch with Ursula from Room To Bloom.  You can contact her here


If you feel your current interiors pictures aren’t doing your business justice then I’d love to hear from you.

As we become increasingly time poor, the importance pictures play in the decision making process is enormous.

Contact me (o7760 130 044) to discuss how I can help give your business a visual voice.